Our Story

As small children growing up on the West Side of Chicago, we learned in the kitchen of our grandmother Essie and her twin sister Dessie, the proper preparation of food.

More importantly, we learned everything that food should be.

The lessons learned all those years ago is the reason that we started Simplest Tastes.

Some of the recipes from Essie and Dessie appear in their original on the menu listed on the site.

Most of the menu items are based upon recipes that we have tried, tested, and refined.

All of the foods at Simplest Tastes meets our grandmother’s basic requirements for properly prepared food: suggestive to the eye, savory to the nose, and succulent on the tongue.

Our food is our passion, our pleasure, and our gift to you.

On behalf of Essie and Dessie, Simplest Tastes ask only one thing of you…Enjoy!